Farming sourdough starters to bake excellent homemade bread

The Art of Making Beer Sourdough Bread: A Flavorful Fusion

Bread and beer—two age-old staples that have been enjoyed for centuries. But what happens when you bring them together? The result is a unique, flavorful bread that combines the tangy taste of sourdough with the rich, malty undertones of beer. Beer sourdough bread is a culinary delight that not only satisfies your taste buds but […]

Most Common Problems when Dealing with Sourdough Starters

Because a sourdough starter is a living culture, they will definitely share some similarities. However, each one will have their own unique personality and the silver bullet doesn’t always work. Slow or no activity: Check the temperature and make sure it’s warm enough (around 24°C/75°F). Consider feeding it more frequently, or with more flour and […]

How to Feed your Sourdough Starter

Instructions Once we have adquired a sample of sourdough starter,  we’ll want to keep it healthy with regular feedings. If we bake a lot of sourdough breads we may choose to keep your starter on the counter, at room temperature. While this means feeding it twice a day, it also means our starter is always […]

Baker’s Percentage explained

The bread recipe you saw online looks delicious and we’d like to make it. It has quite a few percentage numbers though, and we find them difficult to understand. Does this sound familiar? Most likely we are reading baker’s percentage numbers. What is Baker’s Percent? A baker‘s percent is a mathematical method widely used in […]